Updated on August 23, 2024.
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Flight delays are frustratingly common, often leading to hours of waiting. Under the EC ruling 261/2004, if your flight has been delayed for more than three hours, you’re entitled to compensation from the airline. While many companies emerged to help secure these compensations, not all deliver equal service. Some heavily-advertised firms may not necessarily be the best. We’ve conducted thorough research to compile a list of the best flight delay compensation companies, to aid you in making an informed decision.

Our Top 3 Flight Delay Compensation Companies of 2024

Ranks #1 out of 34 companies
Time Frame:
6 - 12 weeks
Rating: 5/5
Ranks #2 out of 34 companies
Time Frame:
6 - 14 weeks
Rating: 5/5
Ranks #3 out of 34 companies
Time Frame:
8 - 16 weeks
Rating: 4/5

Our Picks

Delayed Flight Compensation Companies Reviewed

1. Skycop.com

Skycop reviewRanks #1 out of 34 companies

Overall, Skycop provides a lot of information and a streamlined process for getting compensation from airlines. They pride themselves on getting people the money that they are owed, and their customer service and amount of people that they have successfully served provides a tangible reflection of this passion. Skycop has a very informative and secure website that explains the process and what it may entail very well. Their staff and willing to work through several months of claims and negotiations to get results, and past customers say they do this patiently and graciously. Skycop provides all the information you need to decide if you want to use their company to claim compensation from airlines. They have low commissions, but they put plenty of time and effort into the process that would otherwise take months of further disruption to your life and schedule. They make it worth it to open a claim and begin the process to see if you can get anything back your disrupted travel experience.

Claim your compensation with Skycop here

or Read our full Skycop review

2. Airhelp.com

Ranks #2 out of 34 companiesairhelp

AirHelp claims to be the leading travel compensation site for airline cancellations, delays, and overbooking. They have been reviewed on over 70,000 occasions and have maintained a rating above 9/10, which is impressive for any business. Their compensation amounts are higher than other airline compensation sites while maintaining the industry standard 35% success fee, which is completely risk free. It’s clear that the team members at AirHelp are knowledgeable, and on their “About Us” page, potential customers can see and learn a bit about who will be managing their claim. With such a soundtrack record, AirHelp will deliver exceptional service and provide the most compensation possible, all while customers sit back and let the team take all of the time out of the claim process. Also, when airlines deal with individual customer claims, they are less likely to compensate on time and are more willing to let the issue go to court. However, when they are repeatedly dealing with a renowned airline compensation firm, such as AirHelp, airlines will be more willing to compensate quickly.

Claim your compensation with AirHelp here

or Read our full AirHelp review

3. Claimcompass.eu

claimcompass-400x200Ranks #3 out of 34 companies

ClaimCompass is a professional and efficient company in the business of flight compensation. They are very highly reviewed on their website and generally applauded for being efficient, communicative, and overall an easy and effective service. Sometimes people are skeptical of the process of flight compensation, but ClaimCompass makes it easy to feel like you are getting the money you deserve with little hassle or headache.

ClaimCompass is responsive and will work as quickly as possible to get the claim and compensation taken care of. Some reviewers mention receiving compensation in as little as two weeks. While each case is highly variable, ClaimCompass seems to have a faster turnaround time than other companies. In addition, they are available to interact with customers in many languages, so they can offer their services to a large percentage of the people who are flying within the European Union under these regulations.

Overall, ClaimCompass works efficiently on behalf of the passenger and has staff with immense knowledge of the airline industry and regulations. They provide plenty of information, including ratings on each airline’s flight compensation tendencies, so the customer has a good idea of what they are getting into. Furthermore, the more claims they can win, the more money they will make, so they are pretty motivated to bring you the money you deserve to compensate for a bad flight experience in the European Union.

Claim your compensation with ClaimCompass here

or Read our full ClaimCompass review

4. Flight-delayed.co.uk

flightdelayed-400x200Ranks #4 out of 34 companies

Overall, Flight-Delayed is a good choice of airline compensation sites. They do not have the highest volume, but that may mean more meaningful interaction with team members. Their high reviews and near-perfect success rate speak for their professionalism. And at the least, their website is a good resource for learning about what rights customers have in cases of egregious airline conduct. As usual, you can count on Flight-Delayed to not waste your money because they only take 29% of what the airline agrees to compensate, making each claim valuable to them. Reliability is by far their most vital asset. Unfortunately, flight cancellations and delays happen frequently, so having a good airline compensation team is important. And while it can be challenging to choose an airline compensation provider when there are so many, Flight-Delayed will offer each of its customers reliability and experience. If you can look past the lack of telephone correspondence and trust that Flight-Delayed will do all they can to win your compensation, then when you submit your claim through the team at Flight-Delayed, you can sit back and know that sometime within the next year, your money will be rolling in.

Claim your compensation with Flight-Delayed here

or Read our full Flight-Delayed review

5. Refundmore.com

RefundMore ReviewRanks #5 out of 34 companies

Refundmore.com has more than 25 legal experts on their team who specialize in European air passenger law, working directly with the airline to help you get compensation for delayed, cancelled, or overbooked flights, as well as lost luggage, missed connections, and additional expenses. Their website is easy to use, with only three steps from start to finish. First, you enter your information to see if you are entitled to compensation, open a case if you are, then wait for your payment.

Refundmore.com charges a commission for each case they win, with a maximum fee of 30 percent, depending on the case’s complexity. If your case goes to trial, they will charge an additional 15 percent fee. You do not have to pay if you do not win your claim against the airline, so it’s in Refundmore.com best interest to deliver the best service possible.

Refundmore.com has more with 2,300 reviews on TrustPilot with an average rating of 4.8/5 stars. Customers report being happy with the support they received. They shared they avoided all the hassle by partnering with Refundmore.com while winning their case.

Claim your compensation with RefundMore here

or Read our full RefundMore review

6. Claimflights.co.uk

claimflights-400x200Ranks #6 out of 34 companies

Overall, ClaimFlights looks like an exceptional compensation service. They fight on behalf of their clients based on European laws to get the compensation their customers deserve. They service an excellent seventy nine airlines and forty airports across three continents. This global reach is a plus for any potential clients because it offers a vast number of both airlines and airports that could be covered under their claim. While their global reach goes as far as North American and Asian companies, the only problem is that claims can only be made on claims that either took off or landed in a European Union country. In addition, they do not speak all the different languages of the countries they service, so if the customer does not speak another language, such as English or German, it will be hard for them to use the service. They have an almost 100% success rate and work on a “No Win, No Fee” basis with no hidden costs, which means it is free to use if you do not receive any compensation. They have 9.7 out of 10 stars on TrustPilot. ClaimFlights is a good option for customers seeking compensation from a much wider travel area than just within the UK or significant European countries.

Claim your compensation with ClaimFlights here

or Read our full ClaimFlights review

7. Flightright.com

Flightright ReviewRanks #7 out of 34 companies

FlightRight is a successful company that fights for travelers who have lost money, time, and peace of mind due to problems with air travel. These problems could be as simple as a delay of over three hours to as large as a flight cancelation or overbooking. Any one of these experiences can waste a lot of traveler’s time and lead to other missed flights, reservations, or important events they are trying to get to. Flightright fights on behalf of the customers to get these funds back. They have a 99% success rate in fighting the airlines on behalf of the clients, with the possibility of fighting these claims up to six years after the traveler’s flight. They have excellent reviews from notable sources such as the Wall Street Journal, NBC News, the Boston Globe, and the Daily Telegraph, as well as many satisfied customers. They also work on behalf of their customers with a large selection of airlines and airports as long as the flight either took off or landed within a country in the European Union. The span of FlightRight’s reach in the airline world gives the opportunity to many customers to receive the compensations they deserve without having to fight the airlines themselves.

Claim your compensation with FlightRight here

or Read our full FlightRight review

8. Fairplane.co.uk

fairplane-400x200Ranks #8 out of 34 companies

With its dedicated lawyers, researchers, and experts, FairPlane gives you the best chance of success when it comes to your airline compensation claim. They are able to do this thanks to their ability to compile data on flight plans, weather data, and other necessary things to help with your claim. They claim to have a near perfect success guarantee which aligns with the overwhelmingly positive response.

Their website is user friendly and spells everything out in easy to understand terms. It tells you how much you are paying, how long it takes, and any caveats you need to take not of. While this branch is only located in the United Kingdom, the FairPlane company covers many European airlines and countries.

FairPlane also stays with the client every single step of the way, making sure they are informed of their claim status, as well as making the process easier in every way. They contact the airline directly and work with them and the law to get the best result possible. They have only been in the game a few years, but they have proved that they have the know-how, the resources, and the support of others to help clients get the compensation for the delayed flight and cancellation they are owed. It may take a little while to get your claim settled, but they will do whatever is necessary to get it to you, and you will only be charged if your claim is

Claim your compensation with FairPlane here

or Read our full FairPlane review

9. Flightclaimeu.com

flightclaimeu-400x200Ranks #9 out of 34 companies

Since FlightClaimEU is a part of CCN Aviation, they have access to resources that other flight compensation companies may not. They have their own supply of legal counsel and lawyers who can help you receive any compensation you may be owed due to a delayed or cancelled flight. Through their claims process, they make sure to be thorough and provide any necessary information that may help you receive compensation.

Not only do they deal with delayed and canceled flight claims, but FlightClaimEU also has a baggage claim service and a tax claim service. Through these, you can earn extra compensation by declaring any baggage or luggage lost during a flight as well as using unused tickets due to a delayed or cancelled flight for a tax break.

The claims resolution time for FlightClaimEU is a little faster than other places, which gets you any possible compensation more quickly, and they will only charge you if they win the claims. That being said, they do not guarantee that you will receive any compensation, but due to their positive reviews of handling claims, it is likely that if you are owed by the airlines, you will get compensated.

Their website is easy to use and provides answers to any questions you may have, including how to file a claim and the steps it takes to process it. They also provide extra information about all their services. FlightClaimEU differentiates itself thanks to the additional services and extra efforts they take to give you any compensation you may be owed.

Claim your compensation with FlightClaimEU here

or Read our full FlightClaimEU review

10. Airadvisor.com

airadvisor 400x200Ranks #10 out of 34 companies

AirAdvisor is a standard airline compensation provider. They’ve helped over a thousand clients receive compensation for flight delays and cancellations issues. Their website is easy to navigate, and their FAQ answers seem concise and informative. Their success fee is nothing lofty but rather an industry standard 25%, taken after the case is won. With a success rate of 98%, most clients can feel assured that by choosing AirAdvisor they will almost certainly receive some amount of compensation. Since compensation ranges EUR 250-600, potential clients can quickly calculate how much AirAdvisor will compensate them. Although wait times for compensation can seem lengthy, being between roughly 2 months to a year, this is mainly due to the laws around when compensation must be dulled out by airlines and less to do with the AirAdvisor team. While it would be nice for AirAdvisor to expand their scope of customers to include more EU languages, the five they offer are still inclusive compared to other airline compensation companies. Overall, choosing AirAdvisor would be a wise choice for anyone looking for an average sized payout at very little risk of losing their case.

Claim your compensation with AirAdvisor here

or Read our full AirAdvisor review



We have tested and rated all major flight delay compensation companies to help you make wiser decisions. See how we test here.

Other Companies Taken Into Consideration

Throughout the process of trying to bring the top 10 best providers of delayed flight compensation to our customers, we had to review many more companies than just ten. This means that some companies were good, but just didn’t quite make the cut for what we believed were the best. These were all still good companies, but they didn’t meet all of the needs of our customers to our standards. For example, we looked for companies that spoke multiple languages so they could service the most number of customers. These companies can still meet the needs of some of our customers but we did not feel they met enough to make the Top Ten Best list.

11. Claimair.com

Claimair ReviewRanks #11 out of 34 companies

Claimair.com is a flight compensation company based in Prague, Czech Republic. They use global legal frameworks signed by more than 100 countries to guide their work. As long as your delay occurred in the EU – even if it’s not an EU-based airline – you are eligible for compensation.

Filling out their form takes just two minutes. Simply enter your information, including personal details and flight information. Claimair.com will contact you if your case is accepted and begin negotiations with the airline on your behalf. If needed, they will take your case to court, and you only pay if they win.

Claimair.com takes a 25 percent commission on all cases. Most customers receive their compensation within 13 weeks, though some can take longer depending on the complexity of your case. Claimair.com keeps you informed as updates are available, and with a 90% success rate, the odds are in your favor to receive a settlement.

Claimair.com has a 4.2 rating on TrustPilot, with more than 144 customers raving about the great service. They were pleased with the high level of customer service and quick resolution, helping get them the money they are entitled to.

Claim your compensation with ClaimAir here

or Read our full ClaimAir review

12. Bottonline.co.uk

bottonline-400x200Ranks #12 out of 34 companies

BottOnline is a compensation company that fights to earn many different types of compensation for their customers. These compensations can come as a result of cycling accident claims, car accident claims, holiday claims, bounty data breach claims, and consumer claims, in addition to their flight compensation claim section. They work fast and hard for their customers. They boast that 50% of their claims are completed within 30 days, and if they have not heard from airline companies within 30 days, they issue court proceedings on behalf of their customers. Their website does not offer a live chat option, but it is very easy to navigate, provides a wealth of information for the customer, and is mobile friendly.

BottOnline provides a flat rate chart, so their customers know just how much they will be paying for BottOnline services which end up being 25% commission plus VAT plus an additional administration fee of 23 Euros. They have average reviews on TrustPilot but are rated 4.7 out of 5 stars on Feefo based on over 8000 reviews. In addition, BottOnline can fight claims on behalf of their customers on any flight that either landed in or departed from an airport that was located within the EU. Overall, although they only speak English which limits the number of customers they can help, they seem like a strong, reputable company that fights hard for their customers and provides a wealth of speedy services.

Claim your compensation with BottOnline here

or Read our full BottOnline review

Pick the Best Flight Delay Compensation Company and Get up to 600€!

Firms that made it to our list are the companies that we felt were the best across the European Union at providing compensation to our customers. In order to decide this, we did extensive research into things such as the languages they speak, how long they have been in business, how much they charge their customers in both percentage and fees, what other customers have to say about them, and many other factors. We used these categories to narrow the many companies down into what we have decided are the top ten to best suit our customers’ needs.

Best Flight Delay Compensation Companies


  • Cost/Fee: It is important to us that our customers get the maximum amount of their compensation that they deserve. Many companies charge a certain percentage as a flat rate and then add on extra processing fees and more. We want our customers to know just how much they will be getting back, so we researched and presented our customers with the companies that charged the least amount, allowing them to get the most out of their compensation.
  • Languages Spoken: As diverse as the European Union is in cultures and countries, it is even more diverse in the languages spoken. This is why it was very important to us to give our customers a list of companies that spoke the most amount of languages possible and to let our customers know what these languages are.
  • Customer Reviews: The actual experience of customers who have already used these companies was very important to the way that we ranked them. Customer reviews were important in helping us see the way that the companies treat their customers, how responsive they are, and the overall experience of others so we could recommend only the best to our customers.
  • Average Compensation Time: We want our customers to get their compensation in a timely manner. Our customers have already suffered through the long flight delays, so we don’t want any further delays in receiving compensation. We chose companies with the quickest compensation time, as well as provided our customers with the expected compensation time of each company so they would know how long it will take.
  • Resources They Offer The Customers: In researching each company extensively, we noted that some companies offer other services to their customers besides just the delayed flight compensation. This stuck out to us, and therefore, the companies that could provide more resources to the customers, such as a blog to update them on flight news, a compensation calculator, or even basic information on traveler’s rights, were ranked higher than those who just provided basic services.


Company Country Average Claim Success Fee Time frame
Skycop Lithuania flag 322€ 75€ – 180€ 6 – 12 weeks
Claim your compensation
Airhelp Germany flag 318€ 88€ – 210€ 6 – 14 weeks
Claim your compensation
Claimcompass United States flag 300€ 88€ – 210€ 8 – 16 weeks
Claim your compensation
Flight-delayed.co.uk Netherlands flag 312€ 73€ – 174€ 10 – 16 weeks
Claim your compensation
RefundMore Denmark 314€ 75€ – 180€ 8 – 16 weeks
Claim your compensation
Claimflights Germany flag 308€ 63€ – 150€ 8 – 16 weeks
Claim your compensation
Flightright Germany flag 310€ 75€ – 180€ 8 – 14 weeks
Claim your compensation
Fairplane Austria flag 303€ 75€ – 180€ 10 – 12 weeks
Claim your compensation
Flightclaimeu Netherlands flag 301€ 63€ – 150€ 8 – 12 weeks
Claim your compensation
Airadvisor Poland flag 298€ 75€ – 180€ 8 – 16 weeks
Claim your compensation

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐How much are you entitled to claim for a delayed flight?

Delayed flight compensations are issued in different amounts, dependent upon the flight distance: 250€, 400€, and 600€.

  • ✅Up to 1500 km

Passengers on flights up to 1500 km distance can receive up to 250€ compensation.

  • ✅From 1500 km to 3500 km

If the distance was from 1500 km to 3500 km long, you qualify for up to 400€ compensation.

  • ✅More than 3500 km

If your flight was over 3500 km in length, your compensation could be as high as 600€.

You can calculate your distance and compensation here:

Where were you flying to?

✔️When are you entitled to flight delay compensation?

EC Regulation 261/2004 establishes common rules for passenger compensation aid for flight delays in the European Union countries. These rules state that passengers are to be given compensation if their flight was departing or arriving in the EU and was delayed due to the airline’s fault. Flight delay compensation is given to a passenger who has experienced a delay of more than 3 hours. A flight delay, in general, can be any delay, though to qualify for compensation, the delay must put you at your final destination more than 3 hours late. Bellow, you will find the most common airline faults:

  • ✔️Airplane technical issues

If the airplane has mechanical or technical issues, such as faulty landing gear or questionable control systems, then the airplane is considered to have technical errors, and is not safe to proceed with the flight.

  • ✔️Airplane rotation

Rotation situations involve the plane arriving late from its previous destination. This offsets the time it departs on its next scheduled flight route.

  • ✔️Operational issues

Operational issues can include anything having to do with the planning of the flight. This typically involves route planning, but it could consist of other technicalities that affect the operation of the plane.

  • ✔️Other

The law provides some level of flexibility here since there are other scenarios where the flight may not be able to proceed. These reasons are not always foreseeable. Therefore hard to document specifics.

❌When are you not entitled to claim a flight delay compensation?

There are certain circumstances where the airline is not responsible for flight disruptions. If the airline is not responsible, then passengers do not qualify for compensation.

  • ❌Delayed for less than 3 hours

If your flight was delayed, but you still made it to your final destination less than 3 hours late, then you do not qualify for compensation.

  • ❌Airplane manufacturing flaws

Manufacturing flaws in the aircraft is considered to be no fault of the airline. Under these conditions, no compensation is required.

  • ❌Bad weather conditions

If it is determined to be unsafe for the aircraft to depart, the airline is not at fault, and compensation is not required.

  • ❌Strikes and incidents

Strikes are not considered the fault of the airline; therefore, compensation benefits do not apply.

  • ❌Non-EU flight/operator

If your flight carrier isn’t registered in the EU, the flight does not qualify for compensation.

  • ❌Anything related to COVID-19

If your flight was delayed because of COVID-19, you are not eligible for EU flight compensation.

✋What is the best flight delay compensation company?

There’s a wide diversity of flight delay compensation companies out there, each having advantages and disadvantages. Since these flight delay compensation companies cater to people, each for a different scenario, one cannot be called the ultimate best over another. Hence, the customer must weigh the available options. Check the company’s reviews, inquire about other customers’ experiences. Then decide which of these is the best flight delay compensation company.

❓When can you get flight delay compensation?

You get a flight delay compensation when:

  • Your flight is delayed by more than three hours and the delay was within the airline’s control.
  • Your flight is diverted to another airport and you arrive at your destination more than four hours late.

🤔Is flight delay compensation worth it?

Flight delay compensation is often worth it for passengers who have been affected by a delay. Flight delay compensation can often be a good way to recoup some of the costs associated with a delay, and it can also help make sure that the airline is held accountable for its actions.

👌How to claim flight delay compensation?

The first way to claim compensation is to fill out EC261 form and go through the airline directly. However, this can be a longer and a little more difficult process. If you choose to go this route, make sure you have all of your documentation in order. This includes your boarding pass, flight itinerary, and any other relevant documents.

You can also hire a flight delay compensation company to help you with your claim. These companies will typically charge a fee, but they will handle all of the paperwork and negotiations for you.

Recently Delayed Flights

Date Airline (Flight number) Route Status Your compensation

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Flight delays are not only annoying and inconvenient while you sit in those uncomfortable airport seats, but they can cause other expenses such as airport food, lodging, and purchasing a new ticket for a missed connecting flight. Since the EC ruling 261/2004, many travel lawyers have started companies to fight on behalf of travelers who experience flight delays of more than three hours. With so many companies out there competing for the attention of these disgruntled travelers, it can be hard to discern which companies are being honest and which companies are just trying to take people’s money. After seeing customers struggle with not knowing what companies to choose, we did the research for you to help you make your decision.

We reviewed multiple companies in order to compile our list of the top 10 best. In order to rank these companies, we considered qualifications such as how much each company charges, what languages they speak, how long it takes for them to complete a claim, what their customers think of their services, and what resources in addition to completing the flight delay claim they offer.

After doing extensive research, we compiled a list of those we consider to be the most competent. However, we also know that each customer’s experience and the situation are unique, and these companies are not always a one size fits all service. The statistics that we have gathered from this research, such as average compensation time, may not be accurate for every case. We believe that the companies we have chosen for our best flight delay compensation are the companies that provide the best services based on the qualifications that we measured. However, we know that this may not be true for every person and every case.