Updated on May 15, 2024.
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The most convenient and comfortable mode of travel, i.e., air travel, unfortunately, comes with some inconveniences. Flight delays are most irritating and frustrating as even a minor delay can cost you a significant loss— In case of such a mishap, you’re entitled to get your money back.

The flight companies are entitled to pay your money back for flight delays owing to some terms and conditions. Want to know whether you’re eligible for a refund or not? Let’s delve into details:

Key Takeaways

  • Passengers are entitled to a flight delay refund if the delay is long and the airline is at fault, under EC 261 regulations.
  • Passengers should take the initiative to submit a claim for a flight delay refund instead of waiting for the airline to refund the amount automatically.
  • Passengers can claim a flight delay refund by checking the airline’s refund policy, sending a formal letter, contacting customer support, or reaching out to companies that deal with flight delays.

Are You Legally Eligible For A Flight Delay Refund?

Yes, under EC 261, you’re entitled to a flight delay refund if the delay is long and the airlines are at fault. You’re eligible to get your money back in case of flight delays under the following circumstances:

  • If your flight is delayed at least 5 hours at the departure (Source).
  • The delay is due to the airline’s fault.

Are You Entitled To A Full Refund On A Flight Delay?

Different circumstances will decide whether the passenger is entitled to a full or partial refund.

But long story short, you are eligible for a refund if your flight is delayed for 5 hours. After five hours of a flight delay, you can either keep waiting for your flight or leave it and ask the airline for a full refund.

Want Your Money Back In Case Of A Flight Delay? Here’s How To Do It!

can you get money if your flight is delayed?

If you’re relying on the airline that will refund your amount automatically and not making the first move yourself, it might be a waste of time. Rather than waiting, you should submit a claim and ask for a refund. Here’s how you can claim a flight delay refund:

Check Airline’s Refund Policy:

The first step is to visit the airline’s official website and check for the refund policies. You might find a claim form— fill out the form and wait for the flight company’s reply.

Send a Letter to Flight Company:

You can send a letter if the airline’s official website does not have any contact or customer support page or claim submission form. Write a formal letter explaining all the incidents of flight delay and how they affected your personal life (missed meeting or an event). Attach the proof of issues such as boarding passes, bill statements etc.

Contact Customer Support:

Send an email to the airline and request the airline for a flight refund delay. In the email, mention all your information, including your flight number, your seat number, name of arrival and departure airport, time of departure, and mention the departure time if it was more than 5 hours because you can claim a full refund for a delayed flight from an airline when the departure time is 5 hours late.

  • Mention the reason behind the delay, whether the delay is because of the airline.
  • Attach all your travel documents like your flight ticket, boarding pass, and booking confirmation in the email.
  • Indicate that you are asking for a refund and no compensation for the flight delay.

Contact Companies That Deal with Flight Delays

If any fault of the airline causes the delay and the airline ignores your requests for any due refund, then there are flight delay compensation companies that deal with flight delays that will help you get your rightful money back.

You need to provide all the required information about the delayed flight to one of the companies and they’ll help you get a refund.


Flight delays can ruin your planned trip, daily-life routine and business venture. The passenger’s rights are always protected as per EC Regulation 261/2004. You can claim a refund if your flight is delayed by more than 5 hours. Make sure to submit your claim on time and emphasize that you’re asking for a refund and no compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the maximum time a flight can be delayed before a passenger is eligible for a refund?

If your flight is delayed by at least 5 hours, you may be eligible for a full refund.

  • Can I get a refund if the delay was caused by bad weather or other circumstances outside the airline’s control?

No, if the delay was caused by circumstances outside of the airline’s control, such as bad weather or air traffic control, you may not be eligible for a refund.

  • How do I submit a claim for a flight delay refund?

You can submit a claim by checking the airline’s refund policy, sending a formal letter, contacting customer support, or reaching out to companies that deal with flight delays.

  • What documents do I need to provide when claiming a flight delay refund?

You should provide all your travel documents, including your flight ticket, boarding pass, and booking confirmation. It’s also a good idea to attach any proof of issues caused by the delay, such as bill statements or missed meeting/event notifications.

  • How long does it typically take to receive a refund for a delayed flight?

The length of time it takes to receive a refund can vary depending on the airline and the circumstances of the delay. It’s best to follow up with the airline if you haven’t received a response after a reasonable amount of time.

  • Can I receive compensation in addition to a refund for a flight delay?

It depends on the airline’s policies and the circumstances of the delay. In some cases, you may be entitled to additional compensation, such as a voucher or frequent flyer miles.