How Many Planes Crash in a Year?
It’s said that flying is the safest way to travel, especially if you’re flying commercially. Most plane crashes in any given year are with smaller, privately-owned planes. These planes have less sophisticated technologies, including in-flight programs that help pilots navigate various weather conditions easily. Just because it’s the safest way to fly doesn’t mean there still aren’t accidents. So how many planes crash in a year? The number of plane crashes varies yearly, but roughly, assume that there are between 70-90 crashes per year. Keep in mind that includes all types of crashes, including commercial planes and privately-owned [...]
Can Planes Fly in the Snow?
If it’s started to snow and your flight is supposed to take off soon, don’t panic yet. Planes can fly perfectly fine in the snow, as long as there isn’t pesky ice clogging up the runway. If you’re wondering if your plane can fly in the snow, the answer is it depends. Large passenger planes have no problem flying in the snow, while smaller planes may not be able to handle the same conditions. Consider the type of flight you’re taking before worrying if the plane can take off safely, and adjust your plans accordingly. Flights that are [...]
Can Planes Fly in the Rain?
If you’re on your way to the airport during a big rainstorm, you might find yourself wondering, “Can planes fly in the rain?” Even as you check your airline app and see your flight, you breathe a sigh of relief as you see it hasn’t been delayed yet. However, you can’t help the question from popping into your head – making a mental note to look it up when you’re through security. The answer is yes. Planes can fly in the rain. With modern technology, they can fly – and land! – safely in all sorts of weather [...]
How Do Flights Get Overbooked?
Overbooking flights is a common phrase that we hear. Many passengers encounter unprecedented delays due to this practice of airlines and often end up being stranded. Some people travel with families and kids, while others need to attend important work conferences, job interviews, or take an exam in a different country. The carelessness of airlines can not only cost you time, money, and energy, but you may also end up missing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Additionally, booking another flight, finding a seat, and paying extra money on top of the hassle you face as a passenger can be highly agitating. [...]
Do You Need To Take Out Chargers For Airport Security?
Passing airport security is not a cakewalk if you’re carrying the wrong items. To clear airport security, you need to abide by all the airport rules and regulations. Anything found in your carry-on that is restricted by the airport security staff, will make things worse for you. Now, the burning question: Do you need to take out chargers for airport security? You will get your answer in a while as you scroll down. So, let’s dive into the details before the panic sets in. Key Takeaways Chargers with built-in rechargeable batteries, such as power banks, need to be [...]
Can A Camera Go Through Airport Security?
Airport security has numerous rules that dictate the carrying of almost all the items regarding our daily use. From the sizes of aerosol canisters, tubes, and bottles containing liquids to batteries, medications, and cash and how to carry each item when you are travelling by air. Often simple things can trigger the alarm systems and delay you from boarding your flight. To avoid such events, it is best to go through the list of items that the federal and local governments prohibit so you can pass through customs and security without any hassle. Many people are concerned about [...]
Do Airlines Offer Refundable Tickets?
Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, travel plans might take a turn when you least expect them. In this case, the date and time of your flight ticket will be affected. But what if you’ve already booked a flight? Can you not take the flight without incurring any loss? Do airlines offer refundable tickets to their consumers? Let’s find it out in the article below. Key Takeaways Refundable tickets are available, but they are typically more expensive than non-refundable ones. However, they offer greater flexibility and peace of mind to travelers, as they can get a refund if their plans [...]
How Do Airlines Price Their Tickets?
We spend hours figuring out the best strategy to buy an airline ticket but all in vain. The fare fluctuates (seemingly) without reason, and the entire pricing system seems random. So, how exactly do the airlines determine their ticket prices? To understand the air ticket pricing you will have to understand the logic behind the airlines’ pricing system? And to understand the system, we’ve come up with this comprehensive article discussing the factors affecting the airlines’ tickets price. Let’s get started! Key Takeaways Airlines use a complex pricing algorithm that takes into account various factors such as sales [...]
Why Are Airline Tickets So Expensive?
The constant rise in airline ticket prices is one of the hottest topics for global travelers. Whether you book the flight during a thunderstorm or clear your internet cookies before searching for the best deals, nothing works anymore. So, why are the prices looking high and the limited booking options? Let’s find out. Key Takeaways Consolidation in the airline industry has led to less competition, which means airlines no longer have the incentive to offer low fares to win customers. The cost of fuel is a significant reason for the rise in airline ticket prices, as it now [...]