Scott Welsch
Location: London, United Kingdom
Scott Welsch, Co-Founder of EU Flight Compensation and London-based attorney, specializes in travel law. He is dedicated to educating European travelers about their rights, ensuring they understand their entitlements and receive due compensation for flight delays and cancellations.
Since 2011, Scott Welsch has been running his own law firm in London. With 50% of his workload dedicated to flight compensation, Scott has a wealth of experience in this field. His commitment to educating others stems from the widespread lack of awareness about passengers’ rights.
Has your flight been disrupted?
Was your flight disrupted? Unsure if you're eligible for compensation? Use our free Claim Checker to find out if you qualify for compensation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to create EU Flight Compensation?
I was motivated by the widespread lack of awareness among air passengers about their rights. With half of my workload focused on flight compensation, I saw the need to educate travelers and help them secure the compensation they deserve.
What can users expect from EU Flight Compensation?
Users can expect reliable, well-researched information about their rights as air passengers, guidance on how to claim compensation, and updates on relevant regulations.
What is your experience?
I have been running my own law firm in London since 2011, with a significant portion of my practice dedicated to travel law and flight compensation cases.
How do you ensure the quality of content?
We ensure quality through thorough research, staying updated on the latest regulations, and leveraging my extensive experience in travel law to provide accurate and valuable information.
What are your future plans for EU Flight Compensation?
Our future plans include expanding our educational resources, offering more in-depth guides, and increasing outreach to ensure more travelers are aware of their rights and how to claim compensation.
Articles By Scott Welsch
Ogni anno, circa 30 milioni di passeggeri aerei europei hanno a che fare con voli in ritardo e voli cancellati.
Viaggiare può essere un fastidio per chiunque, anche senza che un problema meteorologico causi ritardi. Tuttavia, se dovesse esserci un
Una cosa di cui dovresti essere a conoscenza prima di intraprendere un viaggio è che, come passeggero, hai più diritti
Se il tuo volo è arrivato in ritardo o è stato cancellato, potresti pensare di non avere nessuno a cui
Scott Welsch
Quando devi partire per il tuo volo e vedi i cieli bui dei monsoni, il tuo cuore si ferma per
Se hai aspettato un volo per poi scoprire che è in ritardo (per qualsiasi motivo), sai quanto può essere frustrante
Scott Welsch
Ogni aereo viene colpito da un fulmine una o due volte all’anno, ogni mille ore circa. Ecco perché i temporali
Un volo in ritardo può farti perdere eventi cruciali. Tuttavia, la norma CE 261 potrebbe aiutarti se viaggi da o
Scott Welsch
Le nevicate sono meravigliose ma quando si tratta di viaggi aerei, potrebbero mettere a rischio il volo, ritardarlo o addirittura
Scott Welsch
Non c’è nulla di peggio di un volo in ritardo quando stai per partire per una vacanza o stai ritornando